Archives for posts with tag: Shanghai

The picturesque Nanjing street in Shanghai is undoubtedly one of the coolest sights to see. The famous walking street is packed with people browsing the luxury goods stores, dinner & snacks, street vendors, bars and other special entertainment.
IMAG0820 wpid-IMAG08231.jpg wpid-IMAG0829.jpgIt is the Times Square of Shanghai

Roughly 1k away from the bund is the yuyuan market which coincidentally has lots of people.

Among many of the shops, I was most interested with this medicine shop. It contained jars full of dried roots, herbs & spices, mushrooms, teas, and other assorted powders and weird icky looking stuff. Customers would consult the herbalists behind the counter to weigh out and sometimes grind up their medicine.

I finally found out where the royal jelly gets made.

Ha, jk. Its actually a really bad fake.

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IMAG0689Shanghai has a very unique set of architectural styles that define its history and cultural heritage. The Huangpu river splits the city into two sections. On one side sits a newly revitalized financial district and on the other, imperialist era European style buildings. During my visit in Shanghai I stayed on the bund which is surrounded by fantastic neoclassical and art deco architecture from the 20th century.IMAG0703IMAG0744IMAG0692Crossing over from one side to the other requires a ferry ride or you can take an exhilarating ride through a light tunnel. IMAG0739 IMAG0761IMAG0756